Meet Elmer Andrei Manaid

A vote for Elmer is a vote for meaningful change!

Hello i’m

A vote for Elmer is a vote for meaningful change!

As a longtime resident of American Canyon, I am deeply committed to the prosperity and well-being of the community that has been my family’s home for 17 years. With the city on the cusp of significant changes, it is crucial that we prepare for the dynamic shifts this progress will bring.

I’m not a newcomer to community service; I’ve been laying the groundwork for a long time. As I campaign to be the next council member, I’m looking to continue and expand on the dedicated service I’ve provided over the years. It’s about more than just winning an election—it’s about continuing to serve and uplift the community and improving the quality of life of the people of my community.

My candidacy represents a commitment to leadership that is responsive, informed, and proactive. American  Canyon deserves leaders who will protect, advocate, and fight for the needs of its residents. I am confident that with your support, we can achieve a brighter future for American Canyon.

Make a Call

(707) 246-3412


My Top Priorities

I am running for office to bring my experience, dedication, and a fresh perspective to enhance our community’s quality of life and meet future challenges head-on. I believe my background makes me uniquely qualified to represent the interests and aspirations of our residents, ensuring that American Canyon not only grows but thrives.


My Top Priorities

I am running for office to bring my experience, dedication, and a fresh perspective to enhance our community’s quality of life and meet future challenges head-on. I believe my background makes me uniquely qualified to represent the interests and aspirations of our residents, ensuring that American Canyon not only grows but thrives.


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Improved Quality of Life

There are many variations passages of Ipsum available humour.

Health and Safety

There are many variations passages of Ipsum available humour.

Growth and Development

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I Will Support

I am committed to supporting our uniformed personnel and first responders, Create, maintain and support an environment that is conducive to business and commerce, and provide programs and services that will address the needs of our Veterans, youth, seniors and most importantly the underserved.


What I intend to do

My campaign is built on a foundation of dedication to ensuring that American Canyon not only accommodates growth but thrives amidst it. The forthcoming influx of development will place increased demands on our essential services—fire and police, recreational facilities, schools, and infrastructure. My extensive local experience and knowledge equip me to contribute effectively to our city’s planning and decision-making processes during this critical period.

Get to know us

Campaign Platform and Political Commitments

get to know me

Explore Educational Qualification

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque epsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo voluptatem quia voluptas

2016 - 2018

MSC in Political Science

London University

2012 - 2015

BSC in Political Science

London University

2010 - 2012

HSC in Political Science

London University

Get to know us

My Endorsement


Business fecilities

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Chairman Of University

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudan totam aperiam eaque epsa quae abillo inventore


City Mayor Awards

Sed ut perspiciatis omnis natus voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudan totam aperiam eaque epsa quae abillo inventore


VP of Collage

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